Where has the time gone …

Where have the years gone….

Most of those who know me hear me often talk about my love affair with Yorkshire, this would not have been possible at all without the support of my wife Anne, for she had the belief in me through all the knocks and set backs she was the one who became my anchor rooting me when I was adrift, building a home and a family with me.

We met when we were teenagers and at the end of this year we celebrate 60years of marriage and I can honestly say she is my everything. She has taken financial risks with me and initial it was her wage that allowed me to go it alone self employed as an artist, life is not easy but we have navigated it together and I could think of no better partner to have had by my side.

Together we have made a home, a life and a family and I shall be forever grateful that I was sent to paint the art school gates as a punishment and saw her passing with her friends from another school. Like sliding doors how different our lives could have been but for that moment. 

Thank you Anne for your strength, belief and love.