Filming with BBC Countryfile


Here I am up on Top Withens, Haworth yesterday, where I had the opportunity to show BBC Countryfile presenter Ellie Harrison the Glory of Yorkshire, capturing Emily Bronte's inspiration for Wuthering Heights in a painting.

I was first introduced to Top Withens by a fellow artist and friend  Stanley Chapman in the late 1960's, to return in 1972 to raise support for the protection of the historic heritage site. It has led to a lasting influence on my life, featuring in my book ' 50 Golden Years' and as a Limited edition print.

We stayed out on the moor until the very last rays of light had diminished and the moon was set in the sky, to capture the haunting nature of the moorland.

You can see more photographs at

 The Countryfile programme will be shown shortly after Christmas on the 30th December