End of the Day when all is calm ...
Yorkshire will be forever ingrained in my heart, I make no apology when David Whetstone from the Journal wrote some years ago;"You feel that if Ashley Jackson were cut in half – God forbid – you would find the word “Yorkshire” running through him like a stick of rock" for he is correct I could no more remove Yorkshire from my soul than I could continue to live without my heart, for they are intertwined and I am blessed because of it.
The above painting is a limited edition of 'The end of the day when all is calm' ...I think we all need one of these moments, a minute in time when we can find peace in these changing times, to focus on a landscape that has stood through centuries; a Roman fortress and Victorian folly make Castle Hill a historical landmark but more than that it is confirmation to many that they are close to their home. It is a lighthouse in a storm guiding many home across the Holme Valley.