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New Launch - Exclusive Jigsaw

Fancy creating your own Yorkshire watercolour; guaranteed perfection and no spilling of water or paint on the carpet …. This 750 piece jigsaw puzzle will provide hours of entertainment and will become your work of art as you piece by piece create ‘On its own’ a watercolour that is both dramatic and subtle.
The contemporary watercolour painting captures the dramatic sky above the farmhouse perched on the hillside but then the soft subtle colours of the landscape in the foreground contrast so well to the gnarly trees to the left of the drystone wall.
It is Yorkshire at its best with the farm sitting on the hillside undiminished by the gathering storm clouds.
It is Yorkshire at its best with the farm sitting on the hillside undiminished by the gathering storm clouds.
As always the jigsaw has been produced under the watchful eye of Ashley Jackson to ensure a faithful colour reproduction.
We hope you enjoy