The end of one year and the beginning of another
It’s New Year’s Eve
This is a year we will look forward to drawing to a close but there will be a few positives we would like to bring with us in to 2021. Although socially distant we have managed to remain close and we wish to thank you for supporting us as we continued to share our passion for the landscapes of Yorkshire. Nature has brought inner peace to so many through these troubling times and we see so much joy in the simplest of moments ; the sound of crisp snow beneath our feet, morning sunlight streaming through the trees or the colour of Autumn leaves.
Whatever the new normal may be I hope we are able to retain our relationship with the landscape, for I have been truly fortunate to have been able to maintain mine for nearly 70 years and when I stand upon the moors what I see combined with what I feel inspires me to capture the moment in watercolour.
No matter how dark the day , nature always reveals light along the horizon ... stay safe
The gallery may close a little early today please contact us should you be making a late visit.
From January 1st we will be opening between 11am - 3.00 pm Monday - Saturday and look forward to greeting you.